What is asbestos and where is it found?
Asbestos is a natural occurring mineral that is resistant to heat, fire, electrical, chemical, and biological break-down. Pure asbestos fibers are soft, flexible and effective insulators, but they are highly toxic. Prior to 1990, asbestos was used in a wide range of manufactured products including building materials and heat-resistant fabrics.
A highly profitable business, when mixed into cloth, paper, cement, plastic and other materials, asbestos actually makes them stronger.
The most common residential applications of asbestos were insulating buildings and homes against cold weather, and noise. In the commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors, asbestos is often found in cement, plaster, heating systems, building insulation, floor and ceiling tiles. Abestos was also a popular choice for fireproofing many homes and buildings.
Exposure to asbestos can result from a home or building being renovated or demolished, especially, removing insulation that contains asbestos (often found in insulation around hot water pipes and tanks), disturbing roofing shingles or siding containing asbestos, sanding, breaking apart or scraping vinyl floor tiles, ceiling tiles and plaster.

How harmful is asbestos how is asbestos safely removed?
When dry, asbestos can be crumbled, pulverized, or powdered which releases toxic asbestos fibers into the air as dust. As these microscopic asbestos fibers are released in the air and inhaled by humans and once they are in our bodies, they never dissolve!
Over years of time, trapped asbestos fibers lead to changes in the lining of the lungs, lung cancer, and other serious diseases and sicknesses.
To reduce the risk of exposure to asbestos, it is extremely important to consult a professional. If you are unsure about a project and the materials found in your home or building, a Remediclean professional will visit you to test for asbestos. If found, your Remediclean professional will then provide you with a detailed solution and a quote to remedy your asbestos issue.
Your go-to for asbestos remediation, Remediclean’s services include collection, testing and analysis, containment and remediation, decontamination and removal, clean-up and disposal. In extreme cases where a building structure is too compromised or damaged, we also offer demolition, renovation, and restoration.